Stained wood commemorative plaque with copper plated metal disc embossed with wreath. Red shield within. White castle motif and "Bohemian R.F.C." in scroll at top of disc. Dimensions: h8" x w6" ( h20.5cm x w15.5cm)
Jersey, White with no number on back. Black SSRU emblem on white patch sewn onto left breast. SSRU tour to New Zealand 1976.
Jersey, Australia, yellow with green collar. Australian Rugby Union badge on left breast. Wallabies badge on right breast and Canterbury logo beneath collar. Green number 14 on back. 1992.
Jersey, Swansea RFC, 1984 v Australia. White with a navy and a maroon stripe down sleeves. Adidas logo on right breast and shield with Swansea 'Osprey' motif with "SC&FC" on left breast. "V Australia 1984" beneath. No number on back.
PDF file of a project by St Helen's Archive Team member David Dow, describing the collection of commemorative rugby jerseys in the St Helen's Archive.
A PDF article on the 1930s Depression and Swansea RFC, written by Swansea University student Lucy Berry (2019)
PDF file of a project compiled by St Helen's Archive Team member David Dow, describing the life and times of Swansea player Dai Harries.
PDF file of the project written by Josh Packman in 2019
White Gold - Swansea RFC 1872-1887 - book by David Dow
Swansea RFC 1872-2022. 150th season brochure
Swansea RFC Since 1945 - book by Bleddyn Hopkins
Images of Sport, Swansea RFC 1873-1945 - book by Bleddyn Hopkins
The All Whites – The Life & Times of Swansea RFC - book by David Farmer - 1995
Book on Swansea RFC, published by Brinley Matthews - 1968
PDF file of the feature article by St Helen's Archive Team member Paul Tabram
PDF file of the project written by Lewis Douglass & Cosmin Gregor in 2022.
PDF file of the project written by Swansea University MA Student Josh David-Read 2019
Brass caste plaque featuring three female winged figures supporting a victory wreath A bronze medallion featuring rugby players is inset on the bottom left. A scroll at the base is inscribed: "CLUB AMICI RUGBY SELEZIONE MILANESE A SWANSEA RFC. MILANO - 18 Maggio 1957." It is embossed with a depiction of Milan cathedral on the left and a sainted figure with halo on the right. Retaining pins on back for fixing to a wooden base. Dimensions: h7 3/4" x 11 3/4" (h28.4cm x w15.5cm).
A type-written letter on paper, dated 11th July 1979 and addressed to the Secretary, Swansea Cricket & Football Club. Also a reply from David Price, the Swansea C&FC Secretary, dated 16th July 1979. Dimensions: (w21cm x h27cm)
Swansea RFC Centenary tie pin badge
Swansea & District Supporters Club badge
Enamel cuff links, pair. Swansea Cricket & Football Club badge on front with Roman numerals "XII". Swansea RFC, 2007-08 season.
Printers blocks, Swansea Second Fifteen Dimensions: w4 3/4" x h2 3/8" (w12cm x h6cm)
Printers blocks, Swansea First Fifteen Dimensions: w6 1/4" x h3 3/4" (w15.6cm x h9.5cm)
Commemorative framed brushed aluminium plaque. Swansea RFC rugby Centenary. 1874-1974 on base beneath club Centenary colours. Centenary 'Osprey' motif in centre. "Swansea Cricket & Football Club CENTENARY" at top. Dimensions: w9" x h11" (w 23.6cm x 28.18cm).