St Helen’s ArchivePreserving the past for the future


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  • PQ025

    Stained wood commemorative plaque with copper plated metal disc embossed with wreath. Red shield within. White castle motif and "Bohemian R.F.C." in scroll at top of disc. Dimensions: h8" x w6" ( h20.5cm x w15.5cm)
  • JY125

    Jersey, White with no number on back. Black SSRU emblem on white patch sewn onto left breast. SSRU tour to New Zealand 1976.
  • JY126

    Jersey, Australia, yellow with green collar. Australian Rugby Union badge on left breast. Wallabies badge on right breast and Canterbury logo beneath collar. Green number 14 on back. 1992.
  • JY094

    Jersey, Swansea RFC, 1984 v Australia. White with a navy and a maroon stripe down sleeves. Adidas logo on right breast and shield with Swansea 'Osprey' motif with "SC&FC" on left breast. "V Australia 1984" beneath. No number on back.
  • Commemorative Rugby Jerseys

    PDF file of a project by St Helen's Archive Team member David Dow, describing the collection of commemorative rugby jerseys in the St Helen's Archive.
  • The 1930s Depression & Swansea RFC

    A PDF article on the 1930s Depression and Swansea RFC, written by Swansea University student Lucy Berry (2019)
  • 'Flying Dai' Harries 1896-98

    PDF file of a project compiled by St Helen's Archive Team member David Dow, describing the life and times of Swansea player Dai Harries.
  • The James Brothers and Professionalism in the 1890s

    PDF file of the project written by Josh Packman in 2019
  • White Gold - Swansea RFC 1872-1887

    White Gold - Swansea RFC 1872-1887 - book by David Dow
  • Swansea RFC 1872-2022

    Swansea RFC 1872-2022. 150th season brochure
  • Swansea RFC Since 1945 - Bleddyn Hopkins

    Swansea RFC Since 1945 - book by Bleddyn Hopkins
  • Images of Sport Swansea RFC 1 - Bleddyn Hopkins

    Images of Sport, Swansea RFC 1873-1945 - book by Bleddyn Hopkins
  • The All Whites - David Farmer

    The All Whites – The Life & Times of Swansea RFC - book by David Farmer - 1995
  • The Swansea story

    Book on Swansea RFC, published by Brinley Matthews - 1968
  • Charlie Saxton - The' All Whites' One cap Wonder

    PDF file of the feature article by St Helen's Archive Team member Paul Tabram
  • Swansea's Romanian Tour Of 1954 (2022 project)

    PDF file of the project written by Lewis Douglass & Cosmin Gregor in 2022.
  • Swansea's Romanian Tour of 1954 (2019 project)

    PDF file of the project written by Swansea University MA Student Josh David-Read 2019
  • PQ083

    Brass caste plaque featuring three female winged figures supporting a victory wreath A bronze medallion featuring rugby players is inset on the bottom left. A scroll at the base is inscribed: "CLUB AMICI RUGBY SELEZIONE MILANESE A SWANSEA RFC. MILANO - 18 Maggio 1957." It is embossed with a depiction of Milan cathedral on the left and a sainted figure with halo on the right. Retaining pins on back for fixing to a wooden base. Dimensions: h7 3/4" x 11 3/4" (h28.4cm x w15.5cm).
  • OT146

    A type-written letter on paper, dated 11th July 1979 and addressed to the Secretary, Swansea Cricket & Football Club. Also a reply from David Price, the Swansea C&FC Secretary, dated 16th July 1979. Dimensions: (w21cm x h27cm)
  • OT142

    Swansea RFC Centenary tie pin badge
  • OT141

    Swansea & District Supporters Club badge
  • OT140

    Enamel cuff links, pair. Swansea Cricket & Football Club badge on front with Roman numerals "XII". Swansea RFC, 2007-08 season.
  • OT139

    Printers blocks, Swansea Second Fifteen Dimensions: w4 3/4" x h2 3/8" (w12cm x h6cm)
  • OT138

    Printers blocks, Swansea First Fifteen Dimensions: w6 1/4" x h3 3/4" (w15.6cm x h9.5cm)
  • OT134

    Commemorative framed brushed aluminium plaque. Swansea RFC rugby Centenary. 1874-1974 on base beneath club Centenary colours. Centenary 'Osprey' motif in centre. "Swansea Cricket & Football Club CENTENARY" at top. Dimensions: w9" x h11" (w 23.6cm x 28.18cm).