St Helen’s ArchivePreserving the past for the future

Our Partners

For community projects to prosper, they must both reach out to and rely on the support of the community.

St Helen's Archive would like to acknowledge the help and support of the following organisations:


 AA Cleaning & Maintenance Services

 All Whites Former Players' Association


 Cardiff Rugby Museum

 Gloucester Rugby Heritage

 CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket

 Community Foundation Wales

 Glamorgan Archives

 Hartlepool History Then and Now

 Institute of Fundraising

 Ospreys in the Community

 The Rugby Memorabilia Society

 Sporting Heritage Wales

 Sporting Memories Foundation

 Swansea Cricket & Football Club

 Swansea Museum

 Swansea Schools Rugby Union (SSRU)

 Swansea University

 The Swansea Welsh Church Act Trust Fund