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Type is exactly Cap
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  • CP043

    Cap, Swansea, 1897-98 season. Blue with 'SFC' monogram on front and '1897-8' on peak. Silver tassels. (See: OT122 and PH219)
  • CP042

    Cap, Swansea Schools Rugby (Union) League, 1935-36 season. Blue with white SSRL badge on front. white tassels
  • CP041

    Cap, Swansea, 1904-05 season. Blue with 'SFC' monogram on front and '1904-5' on peak. Silver tassels.
  • CP040

    Cap, Swansea, 1889-1890 season, mauve/blue with "SFC" monogram on front. No date on brim. Silver tassels.
  • CP039

    Cap, Glamorgan County 1893, Burgundy with Glamorganshire badge on front. Silver tassels. No date on brim. David Samuel, Swansea and Wales.
  • CP038

    Cap, Wales, 1890-91 season, red with P.O.W. feathers on front and '1891' on brim. Silver tassels.
  • CP037

    Cap, Swansea, 100 appearances. Blue with Swansea Osprey motif in white on front and "100" in white metal on brim. Silver tassels.
  • CP036

    Cap, Wales, 1974, red with P.O.W. motif on front. Silver tassels.
  • CP035

    Swansea cap, 1897-1898 season, blue with "SFC" monogramme on front and "1897-8 on peak in white. Silver tassels.
  • CP034

    Cap, Swansea, 100 appearances. Blue with Swansea Osprey motif in white on front and "100" in white metal on brim. Silver tassels.
  • CP033

    Cap, Wales, 1980, red with P.O.W. motif on front. Silver tassels.
  • CP032

    Cap, Welsh Secondary Schools. 1972, Red with P.O.W. motif on front and "WSSU" beneath. Silver tassels
  • CP031

    Cap, British & Irish Lions, 1980, red with 'Lions' badge on front and Lions player number on brim. Gold tassels.
  • CP030

    Cap, Crawshays, red with white hoops, no tassels.
  • CP029

    Wales cap, 1929-30 season, red with P.O.W. feathers on front and '1929-30' on brim. Silver tassels.
  • CP028

    Wales cap, 1902, red with P.O.W. feathers on front and '1902' on brim. Silver tassles.
  • CP027

    Swansea cap, 1929-1930 season. Blue with 'SFC' monogramme on front and '1929-30' on brim. Silver tassles.
  • CP026

    Glamorgan County Cap, 1901, Fred Scrine
  • CP025

    Glamorgan County Cap
  • CP024

    Welsh Trial cap 1898, presented to Fred Scrine. Burgundy with silver tassels and P.O.W. feathers on front. "TRIAL" beneath emblem. Faded on front.
  • CP023

    Cambridge University Football Club cap of Swansea, Wales and Brtish Isles wing Rowe Harding. Buff colour with gold tassels. No badge"R Harding" on inside.
  • CP022

    Welsh Trial cap of 1911, owner unknown. Burgundy with silver tassels and P.O.W feathers on front. "TRIAL" beneath emblem. Faded badly.
  • CP021

    Swansea cap presented to Ivor Morgan in the 1908-1909 season. Blue with silver tassels and "SFC" monogramme on front. Good condition, no fading.
  • CP020

    Swansea cap 1909-10 presented to Swansea and Wales forward Ivor Morgan. Blue with silver tassels and "SFC" monogramme on front
  • CP019

    Swansea cap 1899 presented to Swansea and Wales forward Will Joseph. Blue with silver tassels and "SFC" monogramme on front. "W Joseph" on inside. Faded to light blue. Fragile condition.