St Helen’s ArchivePreserving the past for the future


Date is exactly 1928-1929
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  • PH253

    Photograph B&W possibly taken in Pontypridd on Box Brownie camera. Dimensions: w3 1/2" x h2 1/2" (w9cm x h6.4cm).
  • PH251

    Photographs x 8, B&W, various sizes. From Box Brownie camera. Swansea RFC on tour in South of France May 1929.
  • PH250

    Photographs x 6, B&W, various sizes. From Box Brownie camera. Swansea RFC on tour in South of France May 1929.
  • PH249

    Photographs x 7, B&W, various sizes. From Box Brownie camera. Swansea RFC on tour in South of France May 1929.
  • PH073

    Photograph, B&W, mounted and titled. Swansea RFC first fifteen 1928-1929 season. Photograph by Jack Thomas, Gainsbrough Studios 12 St Helen's Road, Swansea.Dimensions: w18" x h14" (w45.5cm x h35.5cm)