St Helen’s ArchivePreserving the past for the future



Object ID


Rights Holder



Gilbert Lee



A Season Ticket for Swansea Cricket & Football Club for the1931-32 season. Purple coloured cloth cover with SC&FC badge and 1931-32 above and "Grandstand" below. A circle is cut into the back cover, probably for an ink stamp. Cricket and tennis fixtures and lists of administrating personnel are listed on the pages within. Dimensions: w2 3/4" x h4 1/4" (w7.3cm x h10.2cm)


This Swansea C&FC season ticket from 1932 relates to the cricket section of the club but also includes the tennis Club fixtures. Listed in its pages are the Cricket Club's 1st XI and 2nd XI matches for 1931, along with those of the Third XI and Wednesday XI teams. The 1st and 2nd tennis teams' fixtures are listed and those of the Glamorgan Cricket Club to be played at St Helen's also. The SC&FC officers and the captains of the cricket, tennis and hockey teams are all named. this season ticket belonged to one Gilbert Lee, whose name appears on the inside cover.


1931-1932, 1931, cricket, season ticket, tennis, hockey,


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